I am excited to start the second semester of our school year! As we return, we will be shifting gears. It is our goal to continue to increase academic excellence by collaborating together as a staff/family team. Truth Spring Academy family, the pandemic has affected us all in some way. One of the main things that I have observed as a result of the pandemic has been an overall difficulty with personal perseverance and the application of personal independence to complete more complex tasks. We have all, it seems, at some degree, been within the pandemic-haze.
In December, we held an assembly with our 3rd-5th grade students just before our testing time frame. We addressed these matters with students by explaining to students that we must approach testing and the second semester by reassigning a greater value to doing our best on school-related matters. Parents, our mid-year scores have shown much improvement! I am so proud of our team and our students! I also greatly appreciate you! I appreciate your understanding, your flexibility, and your hard work! Thank you, parents! We all share in our students’ gains!
Here are the items that were addressed with students in the assembly and I need your support with them moving into the second semester.
1. Homework must be completed. This includes Reading Logs. Parents, this is a must. We will always be understanding of your family structure and needs, however, homework is not optional. Students are responsible for completing assigned homework and reading assignments. We have some additional support(s) available to assist you, if you need help. Just set up a conference with your child's teacher and we can discuss.
2. School uniforms are to be worn everyday. That simply means our Truth Spring Academy shirts (polos or t-shirts) with appropriate pants, shorts or skort, along with tennis shoes. If you need additional shirts, we have them available. They are $5 a piece. Contact Ms. Jennifer to purchase.
3. Communication about classwork is critical. As students are still dealing with being behind from the pandemic, we must know what they can and cannot do independently (homework helps here). If a student is struggling, school and home must communicate through a conference about how we can best help the student. We will be offering tutoring this second semester and we will also work to get as much support in place to help students to become more independent with their academic abilities.
4. Attendance has improved, thank you, parents! We must continue to strive for excellence with attendance. Given your child is not sick, we need your child at school everyday. If your children must be absent, please communicate the reason(s) with us beforehand or as soon as possible. Missed work must be completed and returned.
Parents, we are shifting gears toward academic excellence! We can do this! Let's continue to work together to give our students the very best education possible! We are so blessed by the Lord to be in this effort, together!
Reminders & Updates
Mid-year Parent Conferences start tomorrow. Please make plans to attend the conference you’ve scheduled. If you have not scheduled your conference, please plan to do so before the end of this week. Contact your child’s teacher, please.
Students return Monday, January 10th. Click here to see our school calendar. Check out upcoming dates.
CDC has updated their guidelines. Click here to see the update. I also contacted the CDC and they made clear to me that these guidelines apply to the general public and are applicable to the school settings. Our school team will discuss our policies and we will then make any updates that are applicable to our school-policies.
So grateful for the opportunity to serve you and your children. Parents, I appreciate each and every one of you and I rejoice over seeing your children each and every day. May Jesus continue to be glorified in the life of Truth Spring Academy! His Word will compel our every move. It is my hope that we would know the nearness of His Holy Spirit’s presence in the life and culture of our school, that our students may thrive in His presence. See you soon!