Carrie and I have three sons. Since the birth of our first son, Noah, I have been praying Proverbs 3:3-4 over them each night. It says:
“Never let truth and kindness leave you. Tie them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will find favor and high regard in the sight of God and man” (Proverbs 3:3-4).
This passage is very important to me and to my family. Because this passage means so much to me, I use this passage as a guide for our students, as to how to properly treat others. Attached, please find our “How to Treat Others” Unit. By clicking on the underlined words, you can access the video-lessons the children enjoy in Bible Class (see link below).
We spend a great deal of time teaching our children the meaning of the word: conduct. The meaning of the word is rooted in personal responsibility. We teach our students that they are responsible for carrying out the Student Covenant, the School Rules, building healthy relationships through communication and work completion.
Our school is also garnering a lot of social skill cues from Ron Clark Academy, in Atlanta. Most of our staff have been through their training and more will attend this fall. In this presentation, you will see some of Ron Clark Academy’s “Essential 55.” The cues highlighted in yellow in the presentation have been covered throughout the year thus far. We will continue to go through all of them and foster them within our school-environment.
Finally, we teach our students how to make the right connections with other students. Pursue God Kids calls these the “5 Rules for Connections.” Those rules for making connections are:
1. Be humble.
2. Don’t be selfish.
3. Always forgive.
4. Tell the truth.
5. Stay connected to Jesus.
Please reinforce these skills with your children. The stronger our connection is between home and school, the more our children will flourish. It does not take a lot! Just a mention of these lessons here and there. If it's important to you as their parent, it will be valuable to your children. These skills will serve them well throughout their life. Click here to see the Unit Presentation. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.
This week, we have started our 1st Samuel Unit. It is approximately a 3 week unit. Ask them about what they are learning. Ask students about Hannah, who is Samuel’s mother. See what they can recall. Read First Samuel with them. The chance to read the Bible with your children will remain with them throughout their life! Kids remember who reads the Bible to them well into their adult years! All of these help the students understand how to remain trustworthy and how to demonstrate kindness. These lessons offer our students instruction on how to best carry out these most important of qualities.